Bookkeeping service

Accounting services

  • Simplex accounting for practitioners, crafts businesses, and free occupations
  • Double accounting for medical institutions, ltd. and simple ltd.
  • Consultation services

Earnings and personnel records

  • Personnel registration with pension and health insurance
  • Wages accounting in accordance with the latest legislation (Labor law, collective agreement, book of regulations)
  • Fill-in Statement on receipt, income tax, local income tax and compulsory insurance contributions (known as JOPPD Statement) and deliver the statement to the Tax Department via their Internet service e-porezna
  • Listing of annual wages report (IP report) for each employee consistent with the Law
  • Fill-in statistical form RAD-1G
  • Accounting traveling orders, local drive (keeping evidence of traveling orders)

Accounting specifics for free-lance occupations and craft businesses

  • Receipt and spending book (KPI)
  • Fixed asset book with amortization accounting
  • VAT accounting
  • Incoming invoice book (UR-a)
  • Outgoing invoice book (IR-a)
  • Claim and liability book
  • Annual income tax return (DOH form) for self-employed occupations and craft business
  • Account of Chamber and other contribution

Specificity of medical institutions, simple ltd. and ltd. books

  • Incoming invoice book (UR-a)
  • Outgoing invoice book (IR-a)
  • VAT accounting as well as delivering the tax statement to the Tax Department via their Internet service e-porezna
  • Bank statements and cash accounting
  • Fixed assets list with depreciation accounting and inventory
  • Listing of Inventory lists
  • Entering annual statements for medical institutions (PR-RAS, Balance of accounts, Liabilities)
  • Completing the GFI form for statistical and public publication (LTDS)
  • Profit loss account
  • Balance of account
  • Profit tax on PD form
  • Notes for financial statements
  • Chamber contribution accounting
  • Other statistical and public proclamation necessities