
Hygienic and Epidemiological Department

In the epidemiological department, every visit of a patient or person and every event is recorded. This is usually done by clicking a predefined standard service or material button (like a check box). An epidemiology specialist takes care of the medical information in the patient’s medical record. Meanwhile, sanitary engineers and technicians take care of visits, services, cash box entries, monthly reports, and similar issues.

Visit – epidemiology

Classic dispensary work

A dispensary visit (National epidemiological activity code 1090000), in the program, will be recorded as classic illness history data and services applied to patients rather than provided at the dispensary itself or at their homes (epidemiology scouts). It is possible to print receipts, referrals, and travel orders (like in any other dispensary), and besides that, the program offers document records for:

  • Infectious disease tracking (infectious illness report)
  • Vaccinations, obligatory or not, for kids or chronic patients, with or without cost.
  • Unwanted Immunization Side Effects Report (vaccine reaction)
  • Antirabies protection like antirabies treatment with an individual list of that treatment (notifications, quarantine..)
  • Epidemiological questionnaire (general and/or specialized like hepatitis B or C

Sanitary-hygienic book

In the sanitary-hygienic measures department (internal sub-activity code 602), the program generates automatically:

  • Black referral for microbiology
  • Bar-code label for sample container labeling
  • Taking samples for acquittance (for the sanitary book)
  • Invoice and/or quittance
Black referral for microbiology
Certificate for hygienic minimum

Hygienic minimum

In intern sub-activity code 603 with the description “Hygienic minimum care”, in addition to invoice or quittance, the program generates

  • Certificate of basic skills about food health integrity and persons that work in food production or traffic acquiring (basic or extended program)

Addiction prevention

In national activity code 1090100, the Addict prevention, program generates all classic dispensary documents, but also offers a special

  • Pompidou report (short or full version) in the questionnaire about drug addict behavior form.

Desinfection-Desinsection-Deratisation Team

In this sub-activity code 630, the program offers classic services and/or material data input for the DDD team and uses Internet program advantages like data sharing. If you outfit yourself with a tablet and a removable printer, you can print an invoice and hand it to a customer while you are still in the field.

«HZJZ Indikatori HED» with services by days in month
«HZJZ Indikatori HED» with services by days in month (overall)


For all activities, the program offers specialized or general document generation, such as:

  • «HZJZ Indikatori HED» with services by days in a month, where the program fills in data in a prepared XLS file (Version 3 at the moment)
  • Daily and monthly work report
  • Financial reports by teams, activities, services and/or materials, diagnosis, patients, ordinaries, time and personnel normative, and cities.
  • Cash box diary
  • Laboratory sample transport list

Dislocated Sample takeover

In sub-activity coded 624, the program records sample collection for human and/or sanitary microbiology requests, with:

  • Bar-code label for sample container labeling (sample ID, patient, request)
  • Calculates eventual participation for «red» referrals (if lab requests are clicked)
  • Allows online information about laboratory status of medical findings (examine report).